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Marko Petelin

DevelopersMarko Mikolavcic
QAFederico Zagato


Available tools / code

Repository:  → this is a "basic" App already working for attendance, developed by Alan Domio
Marko Mikolavcic please pull the repository to get useful informations to develop new app.

New repository:  Marko Mikolavcic please push your code here

Workflow of data Exchange

Quindi la App Android da MeetMe deve scaricare in quest'ordine:

  1. Dopo Login user - il token di autenticazione
  2. Gli Eventi del Cliente
  3. L'Evento di default del user
  4. I Partecipanti dell'evento
  5. In Opzione (se usato per rilevare presenze) Le Location, i Timestamper, i Badge

Poi la App Android deve inviare al server MeetMe:

  1. I dati degli accrediti   {*, registration_code, registration_time}
  2. I dati dei nuovi partecipanti {campi partecipante, campi contatto}
  3. I dati delle presenze (timelogs {time, participant_id*, location_id, timestamper_id, event_id}.

Background and strategic fit



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Develop database structure for Andorid App

1) Participant Table:
id (int), meetme_id*

  • (varchars) name, surname, company, email, serial, filed1, field2,field3,field4,field5
  • (registration_time), registration_time
  • (int): confirmation_code, registration_code
  • (tinyint) deleted

    * meetme_id is mean the id get from MeetMe server. id is mean to use with local database. meetme_id is needed to pair "local" and "server" records, in case on Android App we create new Participants that need to be sent to MeetMe Server.



example: return participants of Event 154[154]=event

2) Event Table:

id(int, name(varchar), start_date and end_date (datetime), customer_id(int), max_delegations_number(int), max_allowed(int), description(text), deleted §(tinyint)

Example GET the data for the default event for user 

3) For time attendande data

a) Locations: // to use for storing time&attendance data
Table fields: id (int), name(varchar), customer_id (int), deleted(tinyint), active(tinyint) 


 b) Timestampers // to use for storing time&attendance data

Table fields: id (int), name(varchar), customer_id (int), serial (varchar), imei(varchar) deleted(tinyint), active(tinyint)

c) Timelogs // table where to save attandace data to send to MeetME server

table fields: id, time, direction, badge_id,number, timestamper_id, location_id, participant_id, customer_id, event_id

Must Have
  • for all models that return deleted and active fields you have to filter data, save only records WHERE deleted=0 and active=1
  • Functions priority:
    Most Important: participant and registrations
    Lower priority: badge, locations, timelogs
2Mockup Login interface

simple, login needed if token is invalid or is made manual logout form mobile app.
3Mockup Main Page

A simple interface to search&check manually participants (for registrations or attendance).
Or register them automatically by reading the barcode. Here are some mockups I googled for:

Risultati immagini per eventbrite android 

Checkin Easy:
Immagine correlata

  1. For each participant we can access to details
  2. For each participant highlight if
    1. are confirmed (confirmation_code is not null) and
    2. are already registered (registration_code is not null). For example with a check/background color
    3. for attendace: show last IN/OUT time in location
  3. Highlight if the operation was successful with sound/visual evidence.
  4. Search box: should search participants by name/surname/ID field → id field defined in Application Settings.
4Mockup Setting Page

"Sync Now" → force synchronization with the server

"Change Event" → show the event list → change the user default_event

"Participant Search" → multiselect of fields to use for search
"Operation Mode": Registrations/Attendace → if attendance is selected has to be shown list of locations where to store the data.



Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached

Not Doing