1. Task MM-801 Fix per mandare email di invio
  2. Task MM-882 Dividere per categoria le variabili del MailingContentPreparer e utilizzarle come costanti
  3. Improvement MM-911 Copy sector designer from Medusa to MeetMe
  4. Task MM-913 creare migrazioni per togliere rbac a AdminClient
  5. Bug MM-915 When creating a new authItem, field Rule is not set to NULL
  6. Bug MM-922 bug gestione evento con utente adminClient
  7. Task MM-927 Create variables for sessions
  8. Task MM-926 When creating a new sector the related event should be set event_id
  9. Task MM-928 Implementare web form per gestire le sessioni
  10. Task MM-929 Aggiungere icone a nuovi menu
  11. Bug MM-930 Il datepicker delle sessioni non visualizza il dato corretto
  12. Task MM-931 Aumentare lunghezza dei campi titolo e descrizione della sessione
  13. Bug MM-932 Segnalazioni di marko nel webform
  14. Bug MM-934 La variabile {{PARTICIPANT_SESSIONS_HTML}} viene visualizzata alla fine della pagina
  15. Bug MM-935 Nell'intestazione vengono visualizzati altri dati dell'evento
  16. Task MM-936 Sessions debugging
  17. Task MM-937 Ordinare i clienti nella dropdown
  18. Task MM-941 Model lincese/index must be available only to Admin users
  19. Improvement MM-943 fix css issues
  20. Task MM-945 Improve Export Excel for Participant sessions
  21. Improvement MM-946 Assegnare classe specifica al tag <body> nel caso l'utente non è loggato.
  22. Bug MM-947 Non funziona la pagina dei partecipanti
  23. Task MM-949 Rimuovere i vecchi file participant index
  24. Task MM-950 Sessioni togliere i deleted=1 anche dalla grid sessioni
  25. Bug MM-952 Create user button fix link
  26. Bug MM-953 "Salva e chiudi" per le pagine solo "salva"
  27. Improvement MM-955 Sessions: make more clear number of subscriptions
  28. Bug MM-956 Non si riesce a fare il login
  29. Bug MM-959 CLONE - Fix User Password link in email notification
  30. Improvement MM-961 Fix css of public pages/views


31Task #34741: Optimize speed of badge-template and mailing-content
32Task #34741: Optimize speed of badge-template and mailing-content
33Task #34748: License create search customer also in customer.company_name
34Task #34745: Set webform current time, based on Event location
35Task #34745: Set webform current time, based on Event location
36Task #34256: Fix Customer model
37Task #34256: Fix Customer model
38Task #34681: update sector designer code from medusa
39Task #34681: update sector designer code from medusa
40Task #34256: Fix Customer model
41Task #34256: Fix Customer model
42Task #34595: Fix account wizard
43Task #34409: improve mailing/index with url check
44Task #34256: Fix Customer model
45Task #34256: Fix Customer model
46Task #34595: Fix account wizard
47Task #34409: improve mailing/index with url check
48Bug #34532: Event notifications: invitation and confirmation emails are sent blank
49Task #34302: Fix visibility of Pages links in footer for not logged users
50Bug #34532: Event notifications: invitation and confirmation emails are sent blank
51Task #34256: Fix Customer model
52Task #34256: Fix Customer model
53Bug #34532: Event notifications: invitation and confirmation emails are sent blank
54Task #34256: Fix Customer model
55Task #34409: improve mailing/index with url check
56Bug #34534: php7 matter
57Bug #34532: Event notifications: invitation and confirmation emails are sent blank
58Bug #34532: Event notifications: invitation and confirmation emails are sent blank
59Task #34442: Optime time cost for page loading
60Task #34442: Optime time cost for page loading
61Task #34139: Improve "Manage your License"
62Task #34431: /page/index Call to a member function licenseDays() on a non-object
63Task #34084: Improve social sign-in and sign-up to meetme
64Task #34084: Improve social sign-in and sign-up to meetme
65Task #34084: Improve social sign-in and sign-up to meetme
66Task #34084: Improve social sign-in and sign-up to meetme
67Task #34084: Improve social sign-in and sign-up to meetme