Struttura ad albero della pagina


  1. Task MM-821Aggiungere un filtro ai partecipanti per visualizzare solo chi non è presente e non ha dato delega
  2. Bug MM-852Il pulsante "manda invito email" dei contatti genera l'hash per un solo partecipante
  3. Bug MM-854Negli eventi figli, la funzione per creare un nuovo partecipante ne crea il doppio
  4. Improvement MM-860Nel excel dei contatti esportare le stesse colonne della gridview
  5. Task MM-865Recuperare e passare all'applicazione android il comando per la stampa del badge
  6. Improvement MM-871Gestire il formato della pagina del mailing del pdf
  7. Task MM-872Nella pagina di accredito, visualizzare sempre un pulsante per stampare il badge
  8. Bug MM-875In contatti e partecipanti non si riesce a cambiare/salvare livello
  9. Bug MM-876Il pdf generato e inviato come allegato non ha il layout corretto
  10. Task MM-877azione lista "conferma ed invia mail"
  11. Bug MM-880Crea partecipante erroneamente lo conferma subito
  12. Bug MM-883I dati della dashboard di anvu sono sbagliati
  13. Bug MM-884In mailing lista "registered" vengono creati solo primi 200 record in mailqueue
  14. Sub-task MM-888Optimize Search
  15. Sub-task MM-889RegMe iOS UI Optimization
  16. Sub-task MM-890Scanned code should reset after 5 seconds
  17. Improvement MM-893Possibilità di rimuovere le traduzioni, ormai non più esistenti
  18. Bug MM-894non si vedono le contact variables se usata lingua inglese
  19. Bug MM-895Nuovo evento in calendario, se salvo non si chiude la finestra e non ricevo conferma
  20. Bug MM-896Non funzione nessuna pagina collegata all'rbac
  21. Task MM-897CLONE - Fix Calernario
  22. Improvement MM-899In grid Contatti/Partecipanti gestire drop down per campi contact form con value


23Task #33672: Manage Licenses in MeetMe
24Task #33672: Manage Licenses in MeetMe
25Task #33672: Manage Licenses in MeetMe
26Task #33769: Possibility to save mailing template screenshot as thumbnail
27Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
28Task #33769: Possibility to save mailing template screenshot as thumbnail
29Task #33672: Manage Licenses in MeetMe
30Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
31Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
32Task #33672: Manage Licenses in MeetMe
33Task #33685: Notification email to infordata when new customer in MeetMe
34Task #33660: Improve notifications
35Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
36Task #33685: Notification email to infordata when new customer in MeetMe
37Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
38Task #33660: Improve notifications
39Task #33685: Notification email to infordata when new customer in MeetMe
40Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
41Task #33685: Notification email to infordata when new customer in MeetMe
42Task #33685: Notification email to infordata when new customer in MeetMe
43Task #33682: Fix PDF name in Mailing and Event Notifications
44Task #33660: Improve notifications
45Task #33682: Fix PDF name in Mailing and Event Notifications
46Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
47Task #33682: Fix PDF name in Mailing and Event Notifications
48Task #33660: Improve notifications
49Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
50Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
51Task #33660: Improve notifications
52Task #33577: Fix mailing statistics
53Task #33580: send-mail/job-notify improve to execute the command for all users/customers
54Task #33580: send-mail/job-notify improve to execute the command for all users/customers
55Task #33316: New user wizard, fix some rules
56Task #33211: In grids add dropdown for contact fields with data
57Task #33316: New user wizard, fix some rules
58Task #33580: send-mail/job-notify improve to execute the command for all users/customers
59Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
60Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
61Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
62Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
63Task #33523: In mailing/contact-send grid manage preview and pdf
64Bug #33405: If used dynamic list in mailing are generated only the first 200 records
65Task #33404: In registrations "Add Participant" manage "Create" and "Create and Register"
66Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
67Bug #33405: If used dynamic list in mailing are generated only the first 200 records
68Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
69Task #33404: In registrations "Add Participant" manage "Create" and "Create and Register"
70Task #33404: In registrations "Add Participant" manage "Create" and "Create and Register"
71Task #33403: Add level color in drop downs
72Bug #33405: If used dynamic list in mailing are generated only the first 200 records
73Task #33403: Add level color in drop downs
74Task #33373: When email processing is completed autoreload the page
75Task #33369: When submit to access contact details add gif loader
76Task #33314: Email Sender: set default smtp server and port
77Task #33256: In Badge Model Improve Canvas Design
78Task #33343: In Mailing "Show email in web doesn't work"

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