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Marko Petelin

DevelopersMarko Mikolavcic
QAFederico Zagato


  • Develop Andorid Application that allow off line Participant Registration (entrollment to the event) and time attendace at sessions.
  • The MeetMe Android Device can work both online and offline: means that if connection to MeetMe server is available exchange data automatically with MeetMe Server. Otherwise will send the data once connection is enstablished. The data with MeetMe server is exchanged in "batch mode", means that a backgroud process carry the data exchange.

  • The main purpose of Android App is to manage:
    1. MeetMe Registrations (highest task priority) (like here
    2. MeetMe Attendance Data (medium task priority)  → record the IN/OUT time of participants in locations

Available tools / code

Repository:  → this is a "basic" App already working for attendance, developed by Alan Domio
Marko Mikolavcic please pull the repository to get useful informations to develop new app.

New repository:  Marko Mikolavcic please push your code here

Workflow of data Exchange

Quindi la App Android da MeetMe deve scaricare in quest'ordine:

  1. Dopo Login user - il token di autenticazione
  2. Gli Eventi del Cliente
  3. L'Evento di default del user
  4. I Partecipanti dell'evento
  5. In Opzione (se usato per rilevare presenze) Le Location, i Timestamper, i Badge

Poi la App Android deve inviare al server MeetMe:

  1. I dati degli accrediti   {*, registration_code, registration_time}
  2. I dati dei nuovi partecipanti {campi partecipante, campi contatto}
  3. I dati delle presenze (timelogs {time, participant_id*, location_id, timestamper_id, event_id}.

Background and strategic fit

  • The authentication token is received after login on MeetMe server. Until is done manual logout from android app/or token is expired no login is required again for the Android App
  • The authentication token is striktly related to user.default_event.  So by using methods to get/post 
    1. participants
    2. locations
    3. badge
     the data automatically refers to user,default_event

  • WISH: maybe would be useful or has no sense to mantain in the new Android App also the WebClient version? I mean to put in App Option "Swith to Web client version/Switch to Stand Alone Application" will allow to use both views: WebClient Version is useful when event require complex Registration Logic.


  • Android device with camera (with barcode scanner, like in MeetMe Totem) and in option with NFC reader


#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Develop database structure for Andorid App

1) Participant Table:
id (int), meetme_id*

  • (varchars) name, surname, company, email, serial, filed1, field2,field3,field4,field5
  • (registration_time), registration_time
  • (int): confirmation_code, registration_code
  • (tinyint) deleted

    * meetme_id is mean the id get from MeetMe server. id is mean to use with local database. meetme_id is needed to pair "local" and "server" records, in case on Android App we create new Participants that need to be sent to MeetMe Server.



example: return participants of Event 154[154]=event

2) Event Table:

id(int, name(varchar), start_date and end_date (datetime), customer_id(int), max_delegations_number(int), max_allowed(int), description(text), deleted §(tinyint)

Example GET the data for the default event for user 

3) For time attendande data

a) Locations: // to use for storing time&attendance data
Table fields: id (int), name(varchar), customer_id (int), deleted(tinyint), active(tinyint) 


 b) Timestampers // to use for storing time&attendance data

Table fields: id (int), name(varchar), customer_id (int), serial (varchar), imei(varchar) deleted(tinyint), active(tinyint)

c) Timelogs // table where to save attandace data to send to MeetME server

table fields: id, time, direction, badge_id,number, timestamper_id, location_id, participant_id, customer_id, event_id

  • for all models that return deleted and active fields you have to filter data, save only records WHERE deleted=0 and active=1
  • Functions priority:
    Most Important: participant and registrations
    Lower priority: badge, locations, timelogs
2Mockup Login interface

simple, login needed if token is invalid or is made manual logout form mobile app.
3Mockup Main Page

A simple interface to search&check manually participants (for registrations or attendance).
Or register them automatically by reading the barcode. Here are some mockups I googled for:

Risultati immagini per eventbrite android 

Checkin Easy:
Immagine correlata

  1. For each participant we can access to details
  2. For each participant highlight if
    1. are confirmed (confirmation_code is not null) and
    2. are already registered (registration_code is not null). For example with a check/background color
    3. for attendace: show last IN/OUT time in location
  3. Highlight if the operation was successful with sound/visual evidence.
  4. Search box: should search participants by name/surname/ID field → id field defined in Application Settings.
4Mockup Setting Page

"Sync Now" → force synchronization with the server

"Change Event" → show the event list → change the user default_event

"Participant Search" → multiselect of fields to use for search
"Operation Mode": Registrations/Attendace → if attendance is selected has to be shown list of locations where to store the data.



Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Not Doing

3 Commenti

  1. tutti i link sopra elencati mi portano al login page

  2. Marko Mikolavcic,

    oggi come da tua richiesta il token è stato spostato dal url nel header http di autenticazione:



    token= 0e8e240fb6f278bd99891da3dfef2db78b14011a   ... da passare nel header http di autenticazione

     Il token di accesso dovrà essere inviato tramite header authorization con l'indice "token" ed ha sempre 40 caratteri.  tratto da Api MeetMe

    >b) il token di autenticazione attualmente come viene passato? dopo il login me lo ritrovo nei header http?

    Viene ritornato durante il login.


  3. per cambiare l'evento:

    -dove trovo la lista eventi (event/index) o (event/get-parent-events), perche ci sono degli eventi sul primo che non risultano nel secondo?

    -devo rifare tutti gli endpoint per ottenere tutti i dati? o non cambiano?

    per accreditare un partecipante:

    -dove metto la location? nel doc del api non c'e scritto

    -puoi farmi un esempio di POST per poter replicarlo?